Single, Couple or Polycule?
Only choose polycule if at least 3 people will be sharing this account. Even if you are a single poly or a poly couple looking to add to your polycule, right now we're really only asking how many boxes we should provide you to fill out. If you choose polycule, you'll fill out individual information for the 3 or more people in your polycule. Later, you'll be able to let people know you are poly, even if you choose single or couple now.
Individual Single accounts or one Polycule account?
It just depends on your preferences. If you choose to create one polycule account, you'll each use your own individual email addresses to log into the account, so that you can like, comment, message and chat as individuals, but you'll share a password and will be able to see each others messages. You will also share photo albums, account settings, and all of your individual information will be visible on the same profile page in the site. If you prefer to have more privacy as individuals, you can each create single accounts. You'll still be able to connect with each other inside SwingTowns, and let others know how you are connected.